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Parents please sign up for our text alerts on REMIND! Send a Text To... 81010 Text this message: @f2e49c
And this will allow you to join our school REMIND account
Mon. to Thur. 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. (When school is in session)
Call the Hotline:
(212) 777-3380
The NYC Kids RISE Save for College Program provides families, schools, and communities with a way to work together to invest in and save for their children’s futures.
Teach Hub is a portal to support students and teachers with quick links to essential applications for learning.
Enter your child's username (example: isabelles35) and their password.
Then click on the Teach Hub.
The award-winning website where K-5 students go to read — anytime, anywhere! Students can log into their accounts using the login card provided by their classroom teacher.